Brewer, Lang & Veach Attorney Firm
(817) 764-1723

Family Attorney Grapevine TX, Southlake, Colleyville, Tarrant County

Allow us to represent you for property, child custody, child relocation issues and more as your Family Attorney in Grapevine TX, Southlake, Tarrant County.

Family Law

Our family law attorneys represent individuals involved in divorce proceedings, including those with complex property issues, child custody issues, and child relocation issues. Our attorneys are experienced in representing clients in post divorce modification and enforcement proceedings and in paternity and adoption matters. In addition, we counsel clients on prenuptial and postnuptial property agreements.  Our attorneys have the experience required to try complex family law cases to judges and juries alike.  




The emotional wreckage caused by a divorce is frequently compared to that of the death of a spouse. Our attorneys help our clients wade through the legal aspects of a case, and we frequently work with mental health experts to help clients and their children cope with the emotional aspects. No other type of lawsuit has the impact on a person’s finances and family relationships that a divorce can have. Brewer Lang Veach, P.C.’s divorce lawyers are experienced at negotiating complex property and custody issues with a focus on preserving our clients’ finances and ability to raise their children.

Learn more about the divorce process and our services

Child Custody, Visitation

Child Custody/Visitation

Most parents involved in suits affecting the parent-child relationship maintain that the welfare of the children of a suit is the most important issue in their case. The child custody and visitation orders are where the rubber meets the road insofar as the parent-child relationship is concerned. Our firm is experienced in contentions custody disputes as well as negotiating equitable co-parenting solutions.

Child Support

Child Support

Texas law presumes that one parent will pay child support to the other pursuant to guidelines established in the Texas Family Code. Our attorneys are experienced in prosecuting as well as defending original child support claims, child support modifications, as well as claims for the enforcement of child support.


Pre-Nuptial Agreements


Contrary to popular belief, prenuptial agreements are not simply tools to protect the wealth of one party at the expense of the other. Prenuptial agreements are typically used to reduce uncertainty in the event of a future divorce. A prenuptial agreement allows the parties to determine what is effectively a just and right disposition of their financial affairs during a time that is not clouded by the turmoil of a divorce. Additionally, prenuptial agreements can prove to be important tools to provide for the financial security of the surviving spouse in the event of death of a spouse.

Post-Nuptial Agreements


Although not as common as prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements can be used for the same purposes as prenuptial agreements. Frequently, couples in which the spouses have children from previous marriages use postnuptial agreements as tools to help ensure that their children are taken care of in the event of divorce or death of a spouse.



Most experienced family lawyers claim that adoptions are one of the few joyous occasions in their practice. At Brewer Lang Veach, P.C., we assist couples as well as single individuals navigate the intricacies of the adoption process.


Protective Orders


It is a sad commentary on society that domestic violence still occurs at all. If you have been the victim of family violence or the recipient of threats of family violence, you may qualify for an order of protection. Equally sad is that false allegations of domestic abuse are frequently used to gain an advantage in divorce or custody suit. Our attorneys are experienced in prosecuting protective orders for the abused as well as defending protective orders for the accused.



Most lawsuits end at the trial court level. However, trial court judges do sometimes make critical mistakes that should be reviewed by a higher court. Our attorneys are experienced in prosecuting and defending appeals in Texas Courts of Appeals as well as the Texas Supreme Court.

Contact Us


920 S. Main Street Ste. 100
Grapevine, Texas 76051

Office: (972) 870-9898
Fax: (972) 870-9053



1628 Hebron Parkway Suite 101
Carrollton, Texas 75010

Office: (972) 395-9550
Fax: (972) 870-9053